Couples Therapy

If you feel stuck in your relationship…

Perhaps you are tired of repeating what feels like a similar fight over and over. You feel lonely within your relationship and want to reconnect with your partner, but it feels almost impossible to do so without turbulence arising. You miss how it used to be in the beginning and long for a time when things felt more simple in your relationship.

One of you may want to connect and talk about things constantly to try to fix them. You feel scared that your partner is withdrawing and shutting down; you feel like you are grasping for the relationship to work. The other person, however, might want more space and time to process. You feel overwhelmed by the feeling that your partner won’t give you a break and are scared that you are failing at the relationship because they keep bringing things up.

Relationships are hard; they illuminate our deepest insecurities and any past “stuff” we might still carry. Having trouble in a relationship does not mean that you are failing as a partner; it means that you have space to explore the recurring dynamic between the two of you, what each person’s part is, and how to navigate this dynamic with more kindness and compassion for both yourself and your partner.

Most people operate in a manner that feels most safe to them. By looking at unideal behaviors through the lens of safety, we can work together to consider how to create more safety, connection, and peace in the relationship. If this resonates with you, let’s talk to see if I might be a good fit for you and your partner.

I work with couples who:

  • Are tired of repeating the same fight without knowing how to change the dynamic.

  • Struggle with communication

  • Desire more intimacy

  • Feel isolated, lonely, & disconnected from each other

  • Are navigating infidelity

  • Want to explore or deepen the dynamics of polyamory or consensual non-monogamy


  • I offer 60-minute and 90-minute couples meetings

  • We will meet weekly at the same time, in some instances I will consider offering twice-weekly meetings i for a limited period of time to help the couple stabilize if there is high conflict

  • 50 minutes: $215

    80 minutes: $250

    At this time, I do not take insurance but can provide you with a superbill to submit to your insurance company with no guarantee of payment on their end.

  • I recommend planning for at least 3-6 months for meaningful work to happen. This also depends greatly on what you, as the couple, are bringing forth to the therapy.

  • You will have the option of doing additional sessions to navigate concious uncoupling.